Lower Back Pain
Chiropractic has naturally been associated with lower back pain. Studies also show that patients starting at the chiropractor’s office save 40% over other practitioners. Lower back pain has many origins. It can be from a sprain/strain situation. It can come from lactic acid build-up or muscle fatigue. It can have its origin in the discs between the vertebrae as well. Sometimes it is degeneration or arthritis. The major unfound cause of lower back pain though, is VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATION. Many times VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATION is also labeled as a pinched-nerve, because the misalignment of the spine can pinch on of the pain-sensitive nerves.
Visiting Doctor of Chiropractic is a great place to start. He will perform a thorough examination and determine exactly what the cause of your pain is. He will then explain the best way to proceed. If he feels yours is not a chiropractic case, he will inform you. If chiropractic care is advised, he will explain why and how chiropractic will benefit you.
Here at Phoenix Mountain Chiropractic Life Center, Dr. Joe Hornback has over 30 years of experience. He has witnessed thousands of patients in this situation. He has seen patients who have walked in like the V-8 man and walked out straight. Some were even carried into the office in severe lower back pain and walked out on their own. He is dedicated to high-quality, affordable chiropractic adjustments. He will explain thoroughly how the spine and nervous system work and how that can help your immediate situation.
Call (602) 788-5433 right now. There is no reason to put this off any longer. Pain medicines are not removing the cause, they are just reducing your body’s ability to feel what is going on. Come in for our $19 consultation, examination and first adjustment. You’ll be glad you did. Don’t take out word for it, see what others have said in their TESTIMONIALS.