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Sciatica is also called Sciatic Neuritis

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path of sciatic nerve
Sciatica, according to WebMD is “pain, tingling, or numbness produced by an irritation of the nerve roots that lead to the sciatic nerve.” In many cases, sciatica or inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a vivid example of a VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATION. It is not the intention of a Doctor of Chiropractic to treat sciatica or any other condition. But, patients who enter our office often notice that when their subluxations start getting adjusted, with time and repetition, their body’s overall function improves. This often results in conditions such as sciatica improving as well. It is important to keep in perspective though, that symptoms are not a good measurement of how healthy a person is.

The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest single nerve of the body. It is composed of five nerve roots. The nerve roots that exit between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae (the L4 nerve) and the 5th lumbar and sacrum (L5 nerve) are involved. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd sacral nerves which exit from the sacrum, also contribute to the sciatic nerve. The sacrum is comprised of five bones that fuse in adulthood to become one large bone.

The sciatic nerve supplies muscle strength and sensory perception to the leg. It is also responsible for the leg’s reflexes. It connects the brain with the outside of the thigh and the hamstring muscles in the back of the thighs. It also supplies muscles in the lower leg and feet.

As such, when the sciatic nerve is impinged or irritated, it can lead to muscle weakness and/or numbness. Patients often experience tingling in the leg, ankle, foot, and/or toes as well.

In chiropractic practice, we see on a daily basis, VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATIONS of the L4 and L5 vertebrae, sacrum and the ilium bones. The ilium bones are often called hip bones and attach on either side of the sacrum forming the sacro-iliac joints.