Call: 602-788-5433

Arm Numbness – 25 year old woman

Numbness and Tingling

Dear Dr. Hornback

I looked at the calendar today and realized it has been nearly one full year since I have been coming to see you for regular chiropractic adjustments. In this amount of time, the benefits I have gained far outweigh my initial expectations.

arm numbness and tingling
My first visit in February, 1993, was to correct a problem in my left arm. My “regular” doctor had sent me through a number of tests (including a C.A.T. scan) of which the results were inconclusive. I am happy to say that the numbness phases in my arm have ceased. This is what I had hoped and expected would happen eventually.

What I did not expect was a general sense of well-being this past year. Like everyone, I get headaches from time to time. Since I have been receiving regular adjustments, the frequency of these headaches has dropped. My feeling of health was verified when the personnel director at my office informed me of unused sick days which I could now use as extra vacation if I chose. That has never happened before!

Therefore, I thought it appropriate to thank you, Dr. Joe, and to recommend chiropractic care as a part of healthful living.



The information furnished by Joe Hornback, D.C. is of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. As each situation is unique, do not rely on this information for diagnosis and treatment. Please note, Dr. Joe Hornback did not diagnose numbness or treat this patient for numbness. Any conditions referred to in this website have been diagnosed by other health care practitioners. Joe Hornback, D.C. recommends that you visit a qualified Doctor of Chiropractic for individual and personal attention. If you are in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley or Phoenix – call us at (602) 788-5433.